Wednesday, September 28, 2022
Blog Post #5
Blog Post #3
after reading the eight values of free expression i think the one that stood out and resonated with me the most was the fifth, "check on governmental power" aka the watchdog role. i think this is so important that we have the ability to "check" our government when we feel theyre doing something wrong. speech of this kind is so important in general but to me personally as well. i like to think of myself as a libertarian and am not the biggest fan of government involvement in my life in most places. i have very strong views about the things i believe in and can become very upset when the government sticks its nose into places it doesnt belong, so i am very grateful this value exists. there absolutely needs to be a check-and-balance system for americans to be able to essentially call out the government when we feel were being disrespected.
i think another very very important value is the third, stable change aka safety valve. i think its very self aware of america to put this in place. i like how it talks about how we need the opportunity to vent so we dont resort to physical violence, which is a seriously real possibility. i think a lot of violence stems from lack of communication taken to the extreme so it makes me very proud to learn america was self aware enough to put the safety valve in place.
Blog Post #2
I honestly didnt know in the beginning the first supreme court only had six justices instead of nine, i also never heard that the first meeting had to be postponed. reading this article i feel like there was more i didnt know about the supreme court than i knew about the supreme court.
i feel like an important take away was everything written about the chief justice. i didnt know they had to proceed over the impeachment of the president or that they were basically in charge of the supreme court. that i found really interesting and an important thing i feel like not many know. i would say those were the most surprising things i learned as well.
alot of what i learned was really interesting and i feel as if most of it was new information, which made me feel as if my previews opinions of SCOTUS couldve been misjudged due to lack of knowledge.
Tuesday, September 27, 2022
Blog Post #1
My Top 5 news sources in order are
1. Twitter
2. Google News
3. BBC
5. CNN
twitter is my favorite just because its a social media app and it's more my speed. i go on it typically first thing in the morning when i open my phone just to check things out. i like twitter just because its typically unbiased just because it gives you a wide range of news like trending stories, international, etc.
google news is typically my second choice because thats where i'll go from twitter if a story catches my eye. its an easy place to search for stories i've already seen and have my eye out for. its an easy place to site and reliable for my projects and essays.
BBC is my third preference because its usually unbiased. using BBC is a good way to get global news and i personally feel like ill get more information on American stories vs using an American news site.
MSNBC is another good one as it leans more democratic which i typically find myself falling but i don't like to affiliate with one side just because of person preference and opinions.
CNN is another good one because it leans more republican so its good to compare CNN to MSNBC to get a good look at both biases which i find helpful.
Final Blog Post
Social media is a can of worms for me. once i start thinking too much about it i get extremely anxious and upset. there's a large part o...
after reading the eight values of free expression i think the one that stood out and resonated with me the most was the fifth, "check ...
The "In The Age of AI" video was really frightening to me. the opening of the video when the man was playing a game against the A...
for my presentation for our latest EOTO slides was about the gatekeeping theory. i began discussing the two definitions of gatekeeping itsel...