Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Blog Post #3

 after reading the eight values of free expression i think the one that stood out and resonated with me the most was the fifth, "check on governmental power" aka the watchdog role. i think this is so important that we have the ability to "check" our government when we feel theyre doing something wrong. speech of this kind is so important in general but to me personally as well. i like to think of myself as a libertarian and am not the biggest fan of government involvement in my life in most places. i have very strong views about the things i believe in and can become very upset when the government sticks its nose into places it doesnt belong, so i am very grateful this value exists. there absolutely needs to be a check-and-balance system for americans to be able to essentially call out the government when we feel were being disrespected.  

i think another very very important value is the third, stable change aka safety valve. i think its very self aware of america to put this in place. i like how it talks about how we need the opportunity to vent so we dont resort to physical violence, which is a seriously real possibility. i think a lot of violence stems from lack of communication taken to the extreme so it makes me very proud to learn america was self aware enough to put the safety valve in place.

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